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Chapter 3: Discovering a Lookup Service


This chapter looks at what is involved in discovering a lookup service/service locator. This is common to both services and clients.

3.1. Lookup Service

A client locates a service by querying a lookup service (service locator). In order to do this, it must first locate such a service. On the other hand, a service must register itself with the lookup service, and in order to do so it must also first locate a service.

The initial phase of both a client and a service is thus discovering a lookup service. Such a service (or set of services) will usually have been started by some independent mechanism. The search for a lookup service can be done either by unicast or by multicast. In fact, the lookup service is just another Jini service, but it is one that is specialised to store services and pass them on to clients looking for them.

3.1.1 Reggie

Sun supply a lookup service called reggie as part of Jini. There may be any number of these lookup services running in a network, so that if one goes down it doesn't matter. It is even possible for services and clients to function without any lookup services running, but this is not the usual case. Anybody can start a lookup service (depending on access permissions), but it will usually be started by an administrator, or can be started at boot time.

reggie requires support services to work: an HTTP server and an RMI daemon, rmid. If there is already an HTTP server running, this can be used, or a new one can be started. If you don't have access to an HTTP server (such as Apache), then there is a simple one supplied by Jini. This server is incomplete, and is only good for downloading Java class files - it cannot be used as a general-purpose Web server.

The Jini HTTP server is in the jar file tools.jar. This can be started by

java -jar tools.jar
This runs on a default port (8080), which means that any user can start it as long as local network policies do not forbid it. It uses the current directory as ``document root'' for locating class files. These can be controlled by parameters:

java -jar tools-jarfile [-port port-number] [-dir document-root-dir] [-trees] [-verbose]
The HTTP server is needed to deliver the stub class files (of the registrar) to clients. These class files are stored in reggie-dl.jar, so this file must be reachable from the document root. For example, on my machine the jar file has full path /home/jan/tmpdir/jini1_0/lib/reggie-dl.jar. I set document root to /home/jan/tmpdir/jini1_0/lib, so the relative URL from this server is just /reggie-dl.jar.

The other support service needed for reggie is an RMI daemon. This is rmid, and is a part of the standard Java distribution. This must be run on the same machine as reggie:

rmid &
This command also has major options:

rmid [-port num] [-log dir]
This can control the TCP port used (which defaults to 4160). rmid uses log files to store its state, and they default to being in the sub-directory log. This can be controlled.

There is a security issue with rmid on multi-user systems such as Unix. The activation system that it supports allows anyone on the same machine to run programs using the user id of rmid. So you should never run it using a sensitive user id such as root, but instead should run it as the least privileged user, nobody.

Once these two are running, reggie can be started:

java -jar reggie.jar ...
with a number of compulsory parameters

java -jar lookup-server-jarfile lookup-client-codebase lookup-policy-file \
        output-log-dir lookup-service-group
These parameters are
  1. The lookup-server-jarfile will be reggie.jar or some path to it.
  2. lookup-client-codebase will be the url for the reggie stub class files, using the HTTP server started earlier. In my case, this is Note that an absolute IP hostname must be used - you cannot use localhost because to the reggie service it means, but to the client it would be a different machine altogether! The client would then fail to find reggie-dl.jar on its own machine. Even using an abbreviated address such as jannote would fail to be resolved if the client is external to the local network.
  3. The lookup-policy-file controls security accesses. To get going, set this to the path to policy.all in the Jini distribution, but for deployment, use a less dangerous policy file.
  4. The output-log-dir can be set to any (writable) path to store the log files.
  5. The lookup-service-group can be set to the public group public.
On my own machine, I run this by

java -jar /home/jan/tmpdir/jini1_0/lib/reggie.jar \ \
     /home/jan/tmpdir/jini1_0/example/lookup/policy \
     /tmp/reggie_log public
After starting, the lookup service will promptly exit! Don't worry about this - it is actually kept in passive state by rmid, and will be brought back into existence whenever necessary (this is done by the new Activation mechanism of RMI in JDK 1.2).

You only need to start reggie once, even if your machine is switched off or rebooted. The activation daemon rmid restarts it on an as-needed basis, as it keeps information about reggie in its log files.

3.2. Unicast discovery

Unicast discovery can be used when you already know the machine on which the lookup service resides, so you can ask for it directly. This is expected to be used for a lookup service that is outside of your local network, which you know the address of anyway (your home network while you are at work, given in some newsgroup or email message, or maybe even advertised on TV!).

3.2.1 LookupLocator

The class LookupLocator in package net.jini.core.discovery is used for this. There are two constructors,

package net.jini.core.discovery;

public Class LookupLocator {

    LookupLocator(java.lang.String url)
    LookupLocator(java.lang.String host,int port);
For the first constructor, the URL must be of the form jini://host/ or jini://host:port/. If no port is given, it defaults to 4160. The host should be localhost or some other valid DNS name. No unicast discovery is performed at this stage, though, so any rubbish could be entered. Only a check for syntactic validity is performed. This is not even done for the second constructor.

The following program creates some objects with valid and invalid host/URLs. They are only checked for syntactic validity rather than existence as URLs:

package basic;

import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator;


public class InvalidLookupLocator  {

    static public void main(String argv[]) {
	new InvalidLookupLocator();
    public InvalidLookupLocator() {
	LookupLocator lookup;

	// this is valid
	try {
	    lookup = new LookupLocator("jini://localhost");
	    System.out.println("First lookup creation succeeded");
	} catch( e) {
	    System.err.println("First lookup failed: " + e.toString());

	// this is probably an invalid URL, 
	// but the URL is syntactically okay
	try {
	    lookup = new LookupLocator("jini://");
	    System.out.println("Second lookup creation succeeded");
	} catch( e) {
	    System.err.println("Second lookup failed: " + e.toString());

	// this IS a malformed URL
	try {
	    lookup = new LookupLocator("A:B:C://");
	    System.out.println("Third lookup creation succeeded");
	} catch( e) {
	    System.err.println("Third lookup failed: " + e.toString());

	// this is valid
	lookup = new LookupLocator("localhost", 80);
	System.out.println("Fourth lookup creation succeeded");
} // InvalidLookupLocator

3.2.2 Running the InvalidLookupLocator

All programs will need to be compiled using the JDK 1.2 compiler. Jini programs will not compile or run under JDK 1.1 (any versions). This program defines the class InvalidLookupLocator in package basic. The source code will in the file in the basic subdirectory. From the parent directory, this can be compiled by a command such as

javac basic/
to leave the class file also in the basic subdirectory.

The CLASSPATH will need to include the Jini file jini-core.jar for compilation of the source code. When a service is run, this Jini file will need to be in its CLASSPATH. Similarly, when a client runs, it will also need this file in its CLASSPATH. And finally, when a lookup service is run it too will need this file (and also reggie.jar) in its CLASSPATH. The reason for this repetition is that the service, the client and lookup service all three separate applications, running in three separate Java Virtual Machines, and quite likely will be on three separate computers. They will each have separate requirements, but at least this is common to all three!

The InvalidLookupLocator has no additional requirements. It does not perform any network calls, and does not require any additional service to be running. So it can be run simply by

java -classpath ... basic.InvalidLookupLocator

3.2.3 Information from the LookupLocator

A LookupLocator has methods

String getHost();
int getPort();
which will return information about the hostname that the locator will use, and the port it will ask on. This is just the information fed into the constructor or left to default values, though. It doesn't give anything new for unicasting. This information will be useful in the multicast situation, though.

3.2.4 Get Registrar

Search and lookup is performed by the method getRegistrar() of the LookupLocator which returns an object of class ServiceRegistrar.

public ServiceRegistrar getRegistrar()
The ServiceRegistrar is discussed in detail later. This performs network lookup on the URL given in the LookupLocator constructor. A UML sequence diagram augmented with a jagged arrow showing the network connection is
Figure 3.1: UML sequence diagram for lookup
By this stage, the program looks like

package basic;

import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;


public class UnicastRegister  {
    static public void main(String argv[]) {
        new UnicastRegister();
    public UnicastRegister() {
	LookupLocator lookup = null;
	ServiceRegistrar registrar = null;

        try {
            lookup = new LookupLocator("jini://localhost");
        } catch( e) {
            System.err.println("Lookup failed: " + e.toString());

	try {
	    registrar = lookup.getRegistrar();
	} catch ( e) {
            System.err.println("Registrar search failed: " + e.toString());
	} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
            System.err.println("Registrar search failed: " + e.toString());
	System.out.println("Registrar found");

	// the code takes separate routes from here for client or service
} // UnicastRegister

The registrar object will be used in different ways for clients and services.

This program might not run as is, due to security issues. If that is the case, see the first section of the chapter on Security.

3.2.5 Running the UnicastRegister

The program needs to be compiled and run with jini-code.jar in its CLASSPATH. When run, it will attempt to connect to the service locator, so obviously one needs to be running on the machine specified in order for this to happen. Otherwise, the program will throw an exception and terminate. Here the host specified is localhost. It could, however, be any machine accessible on the local or remote network (as long as it is running a service locator). For example, to connect to the service locator running on my current workstation, the parameter to LookupLocator would be jini://

This program will receive a ServiceRegistrar from the service locator. However, it does so by a simple readObject() on a socket connected to the service locator, and so does not need any additional support services such as rmiregistry or rmid. It can be run by

java -classpath ... basic.UnicastRegister

3.3. Broadcast discovery

If the location of a lookup service is unknown, it is neccessary to make a broadcast search for one. The search may be across the Internet, but is usually restricted to the local LAN or business network. On a small network, such as a home network, there may be just a single lookup service, but in a large network there may be many - perhaps one or two per department.

3.3.1 Groups

Some services may be meant for anyone to use, but some may be more restricted in applicability. For example, there may be a departmental diary containing deadlines for that department. A service may state this by giving a list of groups that it belongs too. This is a set of strings, such as

String [] groups = {"Engineering dept", "Jan's services"};

3.3.2 LookupDiscovery

The class LookupDiscovery in package net.jini.discovery is used for this. There is a single constructor

LookupDiscovery(java.lang.String[] groups)

The parameter to the LookupDiscovery constructor can take three cases

3.3.3 DiscoveryListener

A broadcast is a multicast call across the network, expecting lookup services to reply as they receive it. Doing so may take time, and there will generally be an unknown number of lookup services that can reply. To handle this indeterminacy, the LookupDiscovery object can have a listener registered with it that is invoked as each reply comes in.

public void addDiscoveryListener(DiscoveryListener l)
The listener must implement the DiscoveryListener interface:

package net.jini.discovery;

public abstract interface DiscoveryListener {
    public void discovered(DiscoveryEvent e);
    public void discarded(DiscoveryEvent e);

The discovered() method is invoked whenever a lookup service has been discovered. The API recommends that this method should return quickly, and not make any remote calls. However, for a service it is the natural place to register the service, and for a client it is the natural place to ask if there is a service available and to invoke this service. It may be better to perform these lengthy operations in a separate thread.

There are other timing issues involved: when the DiscoveryListener is created, the broadcast is made. After this, a listener is added to this discovery object. What happens if replies come in very quickly, before the listener is added? The ``Jini Discovery Utilities Specification'' guarantees that these replies will be buffered and delivered when a listener is added. Conversely, no replies may come in for a long time - what is the application supposed to do in the meantime? It cannot simply exit, because then there would be no object to reply to! it has to be made persistent enough to last till replies come in. One way of handling this is if the application has a GUI interface - then it will stay till the user dismisses it. Another is to go to sleep for, say, a thousand seconds. later

The discarded() method is invoked whenever the application discards a lookup service by calling discard() on the registrar object.

3.3.4 DiscoveryEvent

The parameter to the discover()method is a DiscoveryEvent object.

package net.jini.discovery;

public Class DiscoveryEvent {
    public net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar[] getRegistrars();
This has one public method, getRegistrars() which returns an array of ServiceRegistrar objects. Each one of these is the same class as the object returned from a unicast search for a lookup service. More than one can be returned if a set of replies have come in before the listener was registered - they are collected in an array and returned in a single call to the listener. A UML sequence diagram augmented with jagged arrows showing the network broadcast and replies is
Figure 3.2: UML sequence diagram for discovery

By this stage the program looks like

package basic;

import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryListener;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryEvent;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;


public class MulticastRegister implements DiscoveryListener {
    static public void main(String argv[]) {
        new MulticastRegister();

	// stay around long enough to receive replies
	try {
	} catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
	    // do nothing
    public MulticastRegister() {
	System.setSecurityManager(new java.rmi.RMISecurityManager());
        LookupDiscovery discover = null;
        try {
            discover = new LookupDiscovery(LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS);
        } catch(Exception e) {

	    System.out.println("Class " + discover.getClass().toString());
	    Object [] signers = discover.getClass().getSigners();
	    if (signers == null) {
		System.out.println("No signers");
	    } else {
		for (int m = 0; m < signers.length; m++)
	    } codeSource = discover.
	    System.out.println("CodeSource " + codeSource.toString());

    public void discovered(DiscoveryEvent evt) {

        ServiceRegistrar[] registrars = evt.getRegistrars();

        for (int n = 0; n < registrars.length; n++) {
	    ServiceRegistrar registrar = registrars[n];
	    System.out.println("Class " + registrar.getClass().toString());
	    Object [] signers = registrar.getClass().getSigners();
	    if (signers == null) {
		System.out.println("No signers");
	    } else {
		for (int m = 0; m < signers.length; m++)
	    } codeSource = registrar.
	    System.out.println("CodeSource " + codeSource.toString());
	    // the code takes separate routes from here for client or service
	    System.out.println("found a service locator");

    public void discarded(DiscoveryEvent evt) {

} // MulticastRegister

3.3.5 Staying alive

In the constructor we create a LookupDiscovery object, add a DiscoveryListener and then the constructor terminates. The main() method, having called this constructor, promptly goes to sleep. What is going on here? The constructor to LookupDiscovery actually starts up a number of threads, to broadcast the service and to listen for replies. (See the chapter on Architecture). When replies come in, the listener thread will call the discovered() method of the MulticastRegister. However, these threads are daemon threads, and are not enough to keep the application alive - there must be at least one user thread running.

The sleep() ensures that a user thread continues to run, even though it apparently does nothing! This will keep the application alive so that the daemon threads (running in the ``background'') can discover some lookup locators. Ten seconds (10,000 milliseconds) is long enough for that. To stay alive after this ten seconds expires will depend on either increasing the sleep time or creating another user thread in the discovered() method. Later in this book, use is made in ``leasing'' of a useful constant Lease.FOREVER. While the ``leasing'' system understands a special meaning for this constant, the standard Java sleep() merely uses its value Long.MAX_VALUE and just sleeps for a lengthy period.

I have placed the sleep() in the main() method. It is perfectly reasonable to place it in the application constructor, and some examples do this. However, it looks a bit strange there, so I prefer this placement. Note that although the constructor to MulticastRegister will have terminated without us assigning its object reference, a live reference has been passed into the discover object as a DiscoveryListener and it will keep the reference alive in its own daemon threads. This means that the application object will still exist for its discovered() method to be called.

Any other method that results in a user thread continuing to exist will do just as well. For example, a client that has an AWT or Swing user interface will stay alive because there are many user threads created by any of these GUI objects.

For services, which typically will not have a GUI interface running, another simple way is to create an object and then wait for another thread to notify() it. Since nothing will, the thread (and hence the application) stays alive.

Object keepAlive = new Object();
synchronized(keepAlive) {
    try {
    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
        // do nothing
This will keep the service alive indefinitely long, and will not terminate unless interrupted. This is unlike sleep() which will terminate eventually.

3.3.6 Running the MulticastRegister

The program needs to be compiled and run with jini-core.jar and jini-ext.jar in its CLASSPATH. The extra jar file is needed as it contains the class files from the net.jini.discovery package. When run, the program will attempt to find all service locators that it can. If there are none, it will find none - pretty boring. So one or more should be set running in the near network or on the local machine.

This program will receive ServiceRegistrar's from the service locators. However, it does so by a simple readObject() on a socket connected to a service locator, and so does not need any additional support services such as rmiregistry.

3.3.7 Broadcast range

Services and clients search for lookup locators using the multicast protocol, by sending out packets as UDP datagrams. It makes announcements on UDP on port 4160. How far do these announcements reach? This is controlled by the ``time to live'' field on the packets, and by default the current implementation of LookupDiscovery sets this to be 15. This normally restricts the packets to the local network. However, this may be changed by giving the system property net.jini.discovery.ttl a different value. But be careful about setting this: many people will get irate if you flood the networks with multicast packets.

3.4. ServiceRegistrar

The ServiceRegistrar is an abstract class which is implemented by each lookup service. The actual details of this implementation are not relevant here. The role of a ServiceRegistrar is to act as a proxy for the lookup service. This proxy runs in the application, which may be a service or a client.

This is the first object that is moved from one Java process to another in Jini. It is shipped from the lookup service to the application looking for the lookup service, using a socket connection. From then it runs as an object in the application's address space, and the application makes normal method calls to it. When needed, it communicates back to its lookup service, but does so without explicit RMI calls being needed by the application. This proxy object should not cache any information on the application side, but get ``live'' information from the lookup service as needed. The implementation of the lookup service supplied by Sun does exactly this.

This object has two major methods, one used by a service attempting to register

public ServiceRegistration register(ServiceItem item,
                                    long leaseDuration)
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
and the other(s) by a client trying to locate a particular service

public java.lang.Object lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl)
                        throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public ServiceMatches lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl,
                             int maxMatches)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
The details of these are given in Service Registration and in Client Search . For now, an overview will suffice.

A service will register an object (that is, an instance of a class), and a set of attributes for that object. For example, a printer may specify that it can handle Postscript documents, or a toaster that it can deal with frozen slices of bread. The service may register itself, or it may register a proxy that can act on its behalf. Note carefully: the registered object will be shipped around the network. When it finally gets to run, it may be a long way away from where it was originally created. It will have been created in the service's JVM, transferred to the lookup locator by register() and then to the client's JVM by lookup().

A client is trying to find a service, using some properties of the service that it knows about. Whereas the service can export a live object, the client cannot use a service object as a property - because then it would already have the thing, and wouldn't need to try to find one! What it can do is to use a class object, and try to find if there are any instances of this class lying around in service locators. As discussed later in Client Search, it is best if the client asks for an interface class object. In addition to this class specification, the client may specify a set of attribute values that it requires from the service.

The next step is to look at the possible forms of attribute values, and how matching will be performed. This is done using Jini Entry objects. The simplest services, and the least demanding clients, will not require any attributes: the Entry[] array will be null. You may wish to skip ahead to service registration or to client search and come back to entries later.

3.4.1 Information from the ServiceRegistrar

The ServiceRegistrar is returned after a successful discovery has been made. This object has a number of methods that will return useful information about the lookup service itself. So in addition to using this object to register a service or lookup a service, you can use it to find out about the lookup locator. The major methods are

String[] getGroups();;
LookupLocator getLocator();
ServiceID getServiceID();
The method getGroups() will return a list of the groups that the locator is a member of.

The second method, getLocator() is more interesting. This is exactly the same object as is used in the unicast lookup, but now its fields are filled in by the discovery process. So you can find which host the locator is running on, and its hostname by

This can be used to find a list of which locators are running. From there information such as host can be found - this will be information filled in by the discovery process, rather than being preset as in unicast lookup.

public void discovered(DiscoveryEvent evt) {

    ServiceRegistrar[] registrars = evt.getRegistrars();

    for (int n = 0; n < registrars.length; n++) {
        ServiceRegistrar registrar = registrars[n];
	System.out.println("Service locator at " +
You could use this to find where a service locator is so that the next time this program runs it could connect directly by unicast.

The third method getServiceID() is unlikely to be of much use to you. In general, service ID's are used to give a globally identifier for the service (no different services should have the same ID), and a service should have the same ID with all service locators. However, this is the service ID of the lookup service, not of any services registered with it.

3.5. Summary

Both services and clients need to find lookup services. Discovering a lookup service may be done using unicast or multicast protocols. Unicast discovery is a synchronous mechanism. Multicast discovery is an asynchronous mechanism that requires use of a listener to respond when a new service locator is discovered.

When a service locator is discovered, it sends a ServiceRegistrar object to run in the client or service. This acts as a proxy for the locator. This object may be queried for information, such as the host the service locator is on.

This file is Copyright (©) 1999, 2000 by Jan Newmarch (
This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v0.4 or later (the latest version is presently available at Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.

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Last updated: Monday, June 05, 2006