Solution for
Programming Exercise 7.7

THIS PAGE DISCUSSES ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION to the following exercise from this on-line Java textbook.

Exercise 7.7: The applet at the end of Section 7.8 shows animations of moving symmetric patterns that look something like the image in a kaleidascope. Symmetric patterns are pretty. Make the SimplePaint3 applet do symmetric, kaleidascopic patterns. As the user draws a figure, the applet should be able to draw reflected versions of that figure to make symmetric pictures.

The applet will have several options for the type of symmetry that is displayed. The user should be able to choose one of four options from a Choice menu. Using the "No symmetry" option, only the figure that the user draws is shown. Using "2-way symmetry", the user's figure and its horizontal reflection are shown. Using "4-way symmetry", the two vertical reflections are added. Finally, using "8-way symmetry", the four diagonal reflections are also added. Formulas for computing the reflections are given below.

The source code already has a putFigure() subroutine that draws all the figures. You can add a putMultiFigure() routine to draw a figure and some or all of its reflections. putMultiFigure can call the existing putFigure to draw each figure. It decides which reflections to draw based on the setting of the symmetry Choice menu. Where the mousePressed, mouseDragged, and mouseReleased methods call putFigure, they should call putMultiFigure instead.

If (x,y) is a point in a component that is width pixels wide and height pixels high, then the reflections of this point are obtained as follows:

The horizontal reflection is (width - x, y)

The two vertical reflections are (x, height - y) and (width - x, height - y)

To get the four diagonal reflections, first compute the diagonal reflection of (x,y) as

           a  =  (int)( ((double)y / height) * width );
           b  =  (int)( ((double)x / width) * height );

Then use the horizontal and vertical reflections of the point (a,b):

           (a, b)
           (width - a, b)
           (a, height - b)
           (width - a, height - b)

(The diagonal reflections are harder than they would be if the canvas were square. Then the height would equal the width, and the reflection of (x,y) would just be (y,x).)

To reflect a figure determined by two points, (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), compute the reflections of both points to get the reflected figure.

This is really not so hard. The changes you have to make to the source code are not as long as the explanation I have given here.

Here is my applet. Don't forget to try it with the symmetry Choice menu set to "8-way Symmetry"!


The original applet, SimplePaint3, has a method

       private void putFigure(Graphics g, int kind,
                         int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, boolean outlineOnly)

that is used to draw all the lines and figures in the applet. (The outlineOnly parameter is set to true when a figure is being drawn in XOR mode. This is a signal that only the outline of figures should be drawn, even if the selected figure style is filled. This is done because drawing filled figures in XOR mode looks bad.)

As suggested in the exercise, the putFigure method will still be used to draw individual lines and figures. However, it is called by another method, putMultiFigure, that takes care of drawing any necessary reflections. It has an additional parameter, sym, to tell it which reflections to draw. The computations are exactly as indicated in the exercise. The points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are reflected using the formulas given there to get the points for the reflected figures.

       private void putMultiFigure(Graphics g, int kind, int sym,
                            int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, boolean outlineOnly) {
             // Draws a figure with corners at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and possibly
             // some of its reflections.  The reflections that are drawn depend
             // on the sym parameter, which has one of the values NO_SYMMETRY,
             // SYMMETRY_2, SYMMETRY_4, or SYMMETRY_8.  The
             // parameter "kind" codes for the type of figure to draw.
          int width = getSize().width;
          int height = getSize().height;
          putFigure(g, kind, x1, y1, x2, y2, outlineOnly);
          if (sym >= SYMMETRY_2) {  // Draw the horizontal reflection.
             putFigure(g, kind, width - x1, y1, width - x2, y2, outlineOnly);
          if (sym >= SYMMETRY_4) {  // Draw the two vertical reflections.
             putFigure(g, kind, x1, height - y1, x2, height - y2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, width - x1, height - y1, 
                                              width - x2, height - y2, outlineOnly);
          if (sym == SYMMETRY_8) {  // Draw the four diagonal reflections.
             int a1 = (int)( ((double)y1 / height) * width );
             int b1 = (int)( ((double)x1 / width) * height );
             int a2 = (int)( ((double)y2 / height) * width );
             int b2 = (int)( ((double)x2 / width) * height );
             putFigure(g, kind, a1, b1, a2, b2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, width - a1, b1, width - a2, b2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, a1, height - b1, a2, height - b2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, width - a1, height - b1, 
                                              width - a2, height - b2, outlineOnly);
       } // end putMultiFigure

A third Choice menu is added to the applet to hold the four symmetry options. The option that is selected in this menu is checked in the mousePressed method when the user starts drawing. The value is stored in a new instance variable named symmetry. This variable is passed to the putMultiFigure method as its sym parameter. The only other change that is necessary is to change every call to putFigure in the original program into a call to putMultiFigure.

The Solution

Significant changes from SimplePaint3 are shown in red

       A simple program where the user can sketch curves and shapes in a 
       variety of colors on a variety of background colors.  The user selects
       a drawing color form a pop-up menu at the top of the
       applet.  If the user clicks "Set Background", the background
       color is set to the current drawing color and the drawing
       area is filled with that color.  If the user clicks "Clear",
       the drawing area is just filled with the current background color.
       The user selects the shape to draw from another pop-up menu at the
       top of the applet.  The user can draw free-hand curves, straight
       lines, and one of six different types of shapes.
       The user can specify symmetric drawing of three types, by selecting
       from a pop-up menu.  In 2-way Symmetry, the horizontal reflection of
       each figure is drawn along with the figure.  4-way Symmetry adds the
       vertical reflections.  8-way symmetry adds the diagonal reflections.
       This gives pretty kaleidascope-like pictures.
       The user's drawing is saved in an off-screen canvas, which is
       used to refresh the screen when repainting.  The picture is
       lost if the applet changes size, however.
       This file defines two classes, KaleidaPaint itself, and a non-public
       class, KaleidaCanvas, that is used by KaleidaPaint.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class KaleidaPaint extends Applet {
            // The main applet class simply sets up the applet.  Most of the
            // work is done in the canvas.  The canvas listens for events from
            // the buttons.
       public void init() {
          setBackground(Color.gray);         // Background color of applet, shows
                                             //   in borders and between components.
          setLayout(new BorderLayout(3,3));  // Layout manager for applet.
          KaleidaCanvas canvas = new KaleidaCanvas();  // The drawing area.
          Panel buttonBar = new Panel();       // A panel to hold the buttons.
          add(buttonBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          Panel choiceBar = new Panel();       // A panel to hole the pop-up menus
          add(choiceBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          Button fill = new Button("Set Background");  // The first button.
          Button clear = new Button("Clear");   // The second button.
          Choice choice = new Choice();  // The pop-up menu of colors.
          Choice choice2 = new Choice();  // The pop-up menu of shapes.
          choice2.addItem("Straight Line");
          choice2.addItem("Filled Rectangle");
          choice2.addItem("Filled Oval");
          choice2.addItem("Filled RoundRect");
          Choice choice3 = new Choice();   // The pop-up menu of symmetry styles.
          choice3.add("No symmetry");
          choice3.add("2-way symmetry");
          choice3.add("4-way symmetry");
          choice3.add("8-way symmetry");
          canvas.colorChoice = choice;      // Canvas needs access to the pop-up menus,
          canvas.figureChoice = choice2;    //   so it can check it to find out what
          canvas.symmetryChoice = choice3;  //   color, shape, and symmetry to use.
       }  // end init()
       public Insets getInsets() {
              // Specify how wide a border to leave around the edges of the applet.
          return new Insets(3,3,3,3);
    } // end class KaleidaPaint
    class KaleidaCanvas extends Canvas 
                     implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ActionListener {
            // A KaleidaCanvas lets the user use the mouse to draw colored curves
            // and shapes.  The current color is specified by a pop-up menu which
            // must be created by the applet and assigned to the instance variable
            // colorChoice.   The current shape is specified by another pop-up menu,
            // figureChoice.  The applet listens for action events from buttons
            // named "Clear" and "Set Background".  The "Clear" button fills
            // the canvas with the current background color.  The "Set Background"
            // sets the background color to the current drawing color and
            // then clears.
       private final static int 
                   BLACK = 0,
                   RED = 1,            // Some constants to make
                   GREEN = 2,          // the code more readable.
                   BLUE = 3,           // These numbers code for
                   CYAN = 4,           // the differnet drawing colors.
                   MAGENTA = 5,
                   YELLOW = 6,
                   WHITE = 7;
       Choice colorChoice;  // A Choice object, containing the possible drawing
                            // colors, which must be created by the applet.
       private final static int
                  CURVE = 0,
                  LINE = 1,
                  RECT = 2,               // Some constants that code
                  OVAL = 3,               // for the different types of
                  ROUNDRECT = 4,          // figure the program can draw.
                  FILLED_RECT = 5,
                  FILLED_OVAL = 6,
                  FILLED_ROUNDRECT = 7;
       Choice figureChoice;  // A Choice object containing the possible figures.
       private final static int
                  NO_SYMMETRY = 0,       // Some constants that code for 
                  SYMMETRY_2 = 1,        // the different symmetry styles.
                  SYMMETRY_4 = 2,        
                  SYMMETRY_8 = 3;
       Choice symmetryChoice;  // A Choice object containing the possible 
                               //   symmetry styles.
       /* Some variables used for double-buffering. */
       Image OSC;  // The off-screen canvas (created in setupOSC()).
       int widthOfOSC, heightOfOSC;  // Current width and height of OSC.  These
                                     // are checked against the size of the applet,
                                     // to detect any change in the applet's size.
                                     // If the size has changed, a new OSC is created.
                                     // The picture in the off-screen canvas is lost
                                     // when that happens.
       /* The following variables are used when the user is sketching a
          curve while dragging a mouse. */
       private int prevX, prevY;     // The previous location of the mouse.
       private int startX, startY;   // The starting position of the mouse.
                                     // (Not used for drawing curves.)
       private boolean dragging;     // This is set to true when the user is drawing.
       private int figure;    // What type of figure is being drawn.  This is
                              //    specified by the figureChoice menu.
       private int symmetry;  // What type of symmetry style is being used.  This is
                              //    specified by the symmetryChoice menu.
       private Graphics graphicsForDrawing;  // A graphics context for the applet.
       private Graphics offscreenGraphics;   // A graphics context for the off-screen canvas.
       KaleidaCanvas() {
              // Constructor.  When the canvas is first created, it is set to
              // listen for mouse events and mouse motion events from
              // itself.  The initial background color is white.
       private void setupOSC() {
            // This method is responsible for creating the off-screen canvas. 
            // It should be called before using the OSC.  It will make a new OSC if
            // the size of the applet changes.
          if (OSC == null || widthOfOSC != getSize().width || heightOfOSC != getSize().height) {
                 // Create the OSC, or make a new one if applet size has changed.
             OSC = null;  // (If OSC already exists, this frees up the memory.)
             OSC = createImage(getSize().width, getSize().height);
             widthOfOSC = getSize().width;
             heightOfOSC = getSize().height;
             Graphics OSG = OSC.getGraphics();  // Graphics context for drawing to OSC.
             OSG.fillRect(0, 0, widthOfOSC, heightOfOSC);
       private Graphics getOSG() {
             // Return a graphics context for drawing to the off-screen canvas.
             // A new canvas is created if necessary.  Note that the graphics
             // context should not be kept for any length of time, in case the
             // size of the canvas changes.
           return OSC.getGraphics();
       private void clearOSC() {
             // Fill the off-screen canvas with the background color.
           Graphics OSG = OSC.getGraphics();
           OSG.fillRect(0, 0, widthOfOSC, heightOfOSC);
       public void update(Graphics g) {
             // Redefine update so it doesn't clear the canvas before calling paint().
       public void paint(Graphics g) {
            // Just copy the off-screen canvas to the screen.
          g.drawImage(OSC, 0, 0, this);
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
               // Respond when the user clicks on a button.
          String command = evt.getActionCommand();
          if (command.equals("Clear")) {
                 // Clear the off-screen canvas to current background color,
                 // then call repaint() so the screen is also cleared.
          else if (command.equals("Set Background")) {
                 // Set background color, then clear.
       private Color getCurrentColor() {
                // Check the colorChoice menu to find the currently
                // selected color, and return the appropriate color
                // object.
          int currentColor = colorChoice.getSelectedIndex();
          switch (currentColor) {
             case BLACK:
             case RED:
             case GREEN:
             case BLUE:
             case CYAN:
                return Color.cyan;
             case MAGENTA:
                return Color.magenta;
             case YELLOW:
                return Color.yellow;
                return Color.white;
       private void putFigure(Graphics g, int kind,
                                  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, boolean outlineOnly) {
             // Draws a figure with corners at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).  The 
             // parameter "kind" codes for the type of figure to draw.  If the
             // figure is LINE, a line is drawn between the points.  For the
             // other shapes, we need the top-left corner, the width, and the
             // height of the shape.  We have to figure out whether x1 or x2
             // is the left edge of the shape and compute the width accordingly.
             // Similarly for y1 and y2.  If outlineOnly is true, then filled shapes
             // are drawn in outline only.
          if (kind == LINE)
             g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
          else {
             int x, y, w, h;  // Top-left corner, width, and height.
             if (x2 >= x1) {  // x1 is left edge
                x = x1;
                w = x2 - x1;
             else {          // x2 is left edge
                x = x2;
                w = x1 - x2;
             if (y2 >= y1) {  // y1 is top edge
                y = y1;
                h = y2 - y1;
             else {          // y2 is top edge.
                y = y2;
                h = y1 - y2;
             switch (kind) {   // Draw the appropriate figure.
                case RECT:
                   g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
                case OVAL:
                   g.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
                case ROUNDRECT:
                   g.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 20, 20);
                case FILLED_RECT:
                   if (outlineOnly)
                      g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
                      g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
                case FILLED_OVAL:
                   if (outlineOnly)
                      g.drawOval(x, y, w, h);
                   g.fillOval(x, y, w, h);
                case FILLED_ROUNDRECT:
                   if (outlineOnly)
                      g.drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 20, 20);
                   g.fillRoundRect(x, y, w, h, 20, 20);
       private void putMultiFigure(Graphics g, int kind, int sym,
                                  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, boolean outlineOnly) {
             // Draws a figure with corners at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and possibly
             // some of its reflections.  The reflections that are drawn depend
             // on the sym parameter, which has one of the values NO_SYMMETRY,
             // SYMMETRY_2, SYMMETRY_4, or SYMMETRY_8.  The
             // parameter "kind" codes for the type of figure to draw.
          int width = getSize().width;
          int height = getSize().height;
          putFigure(g, kind, x1, y1, x2, y2, outlineOnly);
          if (sym >= SYMMETRY_2) {  // Draw the horizontal reflection.
             putFigure(g, kind, width - x1, y1, width - x2, y2, outlineOnly);
          if (sym >= SYMMETRY_4) {  // Draw the two vertical reflections.
             putFigure(g, kind, x1, height - y1, x2, height - y2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, width - x1, height - y1, width - x2, height - y2, outlineOnly);
          if (sym == SYMMETRY_8) {  // Draw the four diagonal reflections.
             int a1 = (int)( ((double)y1 / height) * width );
             int b1 = (int)( ((double)x1 / width) * height );
             int a2 = (int)( ((double)y2 / height) * width );
             int b2 = (int)( ((double)x2 / width) * height );
             putFigure(g, kind, a1, b1, a2, b2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, width - a1, b1, width - a2, b2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, a1, height - b1, a2, height - b2, outlineOnly);
             putFigure(g, kind, width - a1, height - b1, width - a2, height - b2, outlineOnly);
       } // end putMultiFigure
       public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
               // This is called when the user presses the mouse on the
               // canvas.  This begins a draw operation in which the user
               // sketches a curve or draws a shape.
          if (dragging == true)  // Ignore mouse presses that occur
              return;            //    when user is already drawing a curve.
                                 //    (This can happen if the user presses
                                 //    two mouse buttons at the same time.)
          prevX = startX = evt.getX();  // Save mouse coordinates.
          prevY = startY = evt.getY();
          figure = figureChoice.getSelectedIndex(); // Type of figure being drawn.
          symmetry = symmetryChoice.getSelectedIndex(); // Symmetry style for drawing.
          graphicsForDrawing = getGraphics();  // For drawing on the screen.
          offscreenGraphics = getOSG();  // For drawing on the canvas.
          if (figure != CURVE) {
                 // Shapes are drawn in XOR mode so they can be erased by redrawing.
                 // Curves are drawn directly to both the screen and to the OSC.
             putMultiFigure(graphicsForDrawing, figure, symmetry, 
                                              startX, startY, startX, startY, true);
          dragging = true;  // Start drawing.
       } // end mousePressed()
       public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
               // Called whenever the user releases the mouse button.
               // If the use was drawing a shape, we make the shape
               // permanent by drawing it in paintMode on both the screen
               // and the off-screen canvas (but only if the mouse is not
               // at its starting location.)  Then get rid of the graphics
               // contexts that we were using while dragging.
           if (dragging == false)
              return;  // Nothing to do because the user isn't drawing.
           dragging = false;
           if (figure != CURVE) {
                  // Erase the last XOR mode shape by redrawing it in XOR mode.
                  // Then, if the mouse is not back where it started from,
                  // Draw the final shape on both the screen and the off-screen
                  // canvas in paintMode.
              putMultiFigure(graphicsForDrawing, figure, symmetry, 
                                                      startX, startY, prevX, prevY, true);
              if (startX != prevX || startY != prevY) {
                 putMultiFigure(graphicsForDrawing, figure, symmetry, 
                                                           startX, startY, prevX, prevY, false);
                 putMultiFigure(offscreenGraphics, figure, symmetry, 
                                                           startX, startY, prevX, prevY, false);
           graphicsForDrawing = null;
           offscreenGraphics = null;
       public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
                // Called whenever the user moves the mouse while a mouse button
                // is down.  If the user is drawing a curve, draw a segment of
                // the curve on both the screen and the off-screen canvas.
                // If the user is drawing a shape, erase the previous shape
                // by redrawing it (in XOR mode), then draw the new shape.
           if (dragging == false)
              return;  // Nothing to do because the user isn't drawing.
           int x = evt.getX();   // x-coordinate of mouse.
           int y = evt.getY();   // y=coordinate of mouse.
           if (figure == CURVE) {
                  // Draw the line on the applet and on the off-screen canvas.
              putMultiFigure(graphicsForDrawing, LINE, symmetry, prevX, prevY, x, y, false); 
              putMultiFigure(offscreenGraphics, LINE, symmetry, prevX, prevY, x, y, false);
           else {  
                 // Erase previous figure and draw a new one using the new mouse position.
              putMultiFigure(graphicsForDrawing, figure, symmetry, 
                                                     startX, startY, prevX, prevY, true);
              putMultiFigure(graphicsForDrawing, figure, symmetry, 
                                                     startX, startY, x, y, true);
           prevX = x;  // Save coords for the next call to mouseDragged or mouseReleased.
           prevY = y;
       } // end mouseDragged.
       public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }   // Some empty routines.
       public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }    //    (Required by the MouseListener
       public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }   //    and MouseMotionListener
       public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { }     //    interfaces).
    } // end class KaleidaCanvas

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