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Inside Java :
Java myths - fact versus fiction

By David Reilly

Inside Java
offers a glimpse behind the Java platform, and related technologies. An archive of previously published columns can be found below.  Readers new to Java will benefit from reading earlier columns first.

1. Inside Java : The Java Programming Language

Learn about Java, what it is and why it is so popular. [NOV 7, 1999]

2. Inside Java : The Java Virtual Machine

Learn about the JVM, and the important role it plays. [JAN 1, 2000]

3. Inside Java : Breaking Java Myths

We peel the layers of myth and fiction away, to reveal some Java truths. Escape the hype, and understand what Java is, and is not.  [MAY 1, 2000]

4. Inside Java : The Java Media Framework (JMF)

With the Java Media Framework API, Java now has excellent multimedia playback and encoding capabilities. [JUN 1, 2000] - coming soon!

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Last updated: Monday, June 05, 2006